Delivery price and terms

Attention! Goods cannot be picked up on site. Goods are delivered only by courier.

Delivery price and terms

Nora-Gee products

Price Delivery time Special circumstances
4.5 EUR 3-7 dd
  • Delivery is possible only by courier directly to the home.
  • Products sewn by Nora-Gee are delivered in a separate package from City of illusions products (the delivery price is also doubled)

City of Illusions products (A joint project with partners)

Price Delivery time Special circumstances
About 4.5 Eur (Calculated at the time of ordering) 3-10 dd (usually takes 3-5 dd)
  • Delivery is possible only by courier directly to the home.
  • City of illusions products are delivered in a separate shipment from Nora-Gee sewn products (the delivery price is also duplicated).
  • The cups are delivered separately in a box

Return and exchange of goods (click here)